‘- Download your superpower – a quality such as courage or intuition that you will embody using an energy techniques from Ancient Egypt in a few weeks.
– Remote view the future – save precious time and skip unneeded challenges by using intuitive techniques to make the best choices when the mind is unsure.
– Activate your senses – learn a short “stack” of techniques that get you into an enhanced brainwave state to receive clear psychic information to propel your path forward.
– Secret Timeline Energy Techniques – Implement techniques that can actually optimize and clear your timeline, shifting events and challenges before they happen while magnetizing incredible opportunities.
– Learn and use an incredible new breathing technique that will launch you into the limitless quantum field in minutes and release negativity and stagnation in the process.
– How to clear and protect yourself from any person or energy by learning the laws and tools to rapidly raise your vibration.
– Use a powerful energy technique – this specific tool aligns and clears everything it contacts and you will learn to evolve it’s use into more advanced ways to rapidly transform situations and instantly clear fear and negativity.
– How to alchemize any block – Learn the formula and experience the guided activation to dis-identify and transmute mental, emotional, and energetic blocks, often within minutes. This is invaluable to also share with anyone you wish to support or coach.
– Dreamporting Flow Protocol – Learn the daily protocol I use to stay sharp, in-touch with instant psychic information for my clients around the world, and optimize my flow state to accomplish my vision.
**File size: 4.15 GB
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** All of our courses are guaranteed to deliver with full materials. Anything needed just PM us 😀
** All of the contents are included EXCEPT membership based contents
** Please download ALL the course from google drive, if possible you may request us to remove you after you download the course AS google system will remove our access too due to too many users join the drive.
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