Email Marketing – OnlyResource Premium and Affordable Online Courses Tue, 10 Dec 2024 02:50:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Email Marketing – OnlyResource 32 32 Daniel Levis – Email Alchemy Elite 2.0【2023】{FULL COURSE + VIDEO} – ALL COURSES Lifetime Updates Wed, 02 Aug 2023 11:59:35 +0000 2023 Daniel Levis Email Alchemy Elite 2.0 Marketing 9.58 GB 25.00 ]]> 1# The CORE ARSENAL – 12 EMAIL ALCHEMY Templated Campaigns. Over 55,000 Words of Spell-Binding Copy. The Entire Subscriber Life-Cycle, HANDLED! (Delivered Over 11 Weeks with Financing Option)
Set your EPN (Earnings Per Name) ON FIRE with these 81 tested and proven, DONE-4-YOU EMAIL ALCHEMY templates. Harness Daniel’s revolutionary “secondary reward” technology at a tiny fraction of the $2,500 per email his clients pay. Your revenues take off like a rocket, hundreds of hours saved! The complete subscriber life-cycle handled, from cradle to grave. (NOTE: Not for third-party use. For the sale of products or services offered or recommended by your own business only.)

2# The INFINITE ARSENAL – 4 NEW EMAIL ALCHEMY Templates Each and Every Month. Written for Members, Created From Scratch, For YOU!
There’s nothing like watching a master at work for picking up the subtle nuances of email persuasion, honed to razor sharpness over thousands of hours of battle-hardened experience. Be a fly on the wall as Daniel drills into your business and lovingly crafts a brand-new template for the group and fleshes it out for you. Literally worth an additional $2,500 every time you’re lucky enough to be made an example of. Make your requests early and often!

3# The Complete EMAIL ALCHEMY 4-Module Track I Training, for DO-IT-YOURSELF Mastery (Delivered Over 6 Weeks with Financing Option)
More than 12 hours of intense instruction, plus Daniel’s Email Starter and Campaign Planner worksheets for mapping out series structure and creating brilliant “from scratch” EMAIL ALCHEMY campaigns. Story-Scene Beat Sheet for injecting DRAMA POWER into every high-converting, can-not-be-ignored EMAIL ALCHEMY series you create. HOT HOOK-Extracting strategies, checklists and partner for supercharging your list profits, RIGHT NOW!

4# CAMPAIGN CONVERSION MULTIPLIER The Complete Click-to-Sale Lifecycle Training (Lifetime and Full Pay Yearly Members Only)
The tools you need to PLAN, STRATEGIZE, EXECUTE and EXTEND unconventional EMAIL ALCHEMY style marketing into every other type of media. Instantly tap into years of priceless in-the-trenches discoveries for extracting every last dollar from every precious click you generate with your EMAIL ALCHEMY campaigns.

5# The 4 Pillars of LIST BUILDING Field Manuals – Your Guide to Rapid-Fire Revenue Growth
Learn how to build a highly effective lead catching system, with opt in rates as high as 75%. grab Daniel’s 7 step formulas for building killer lead generation magnets and offer pages that convert like crazy.lock in a roadmap for generating the traffic required to build a highly responsive and profitable list. plus all of Daniel’s insider list-profit secrets, techniques and strategies for long term customer value and loyalty – REVEALED!

6# Private Member’s-Only Facebook COMMUNITY MASTERMIND and Monthly GROUP COACHING
Share your experience, celebrate your victories, pick the brain of our power-user faculty, mastermind and network with other avid and successful EMAIL ALCHEMY practitioners.. Plus log on to a group coaching call with Daniel, each and every month, for further training on template adaptation, list building, auto-responder systems, any and all HOT TOPICS that come up.

7# UNLIMITED, PRIVATE, email based COACHING with Daniel! (16 Business Hour Response Time)
Depending on your membership level (see below), you get up to 6 full months of private access to Daniel, for campaign strategy, positioning, Unique Selling Proposition, story crafting, help adapting the templates to your business, anything you need to get going. Anything and everything email marketing is fair game. Let’s blow every last roadblock out of the water once and for all. so there’s no way you can fail!


**File size: 9.58 GB


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** File will be shared through google drive
** All of our courses are guaranteed to deliver with full materials. Anything needed just PM us 😀
** All of the contents are included EXCEPT membership based contents
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Mike Becker – Art & Science of EmailGPT Seminar【2023】{FULL COURSE + VIDEO} – ALL COURSES Lifetime Updates Thu, 13 Jul 2023 05:43:44 +0000 2023 Mike Becker Art & Science of EmailGPT Seminar AI 5.66 GB 15.00 ]]> WHAT YOU GET?
4-Hour Recording of Part 1 of the EmailGPT Seminar: Mastering ChatGPT Prompting
What Is ChatGPT & How Does It Work
Intro To ChatGPT Prompts
Effective VS Ineffective Prompts
Constructing Effective Prompts
The “Act As.” Hack
Cheat Codes & Helpers
Guided Conversations & Feedback
Common Mistakes & Troubleshooting
Mastering ChatGPT Prompts
36 Use Cases For Email Marketing
4-Hour Recording of Part 2 of the EmailGPT Seminar: Mastering ChatGPT for Email
Leveraging ChatGPT for Email
The Promo Prompts Worksheet
Research the Target Audience
Research the Product
Build Irresistible Offers
Build Promotional Plan
Build Email Editorial Plans
Write the Email Lead
Doing Everything After the Lead
Guiding the Promo Voice & Style

**File size: 5.66 GB

** After purchase,kindly drop your gmail through chatbox 🙂
** File will be shared through google drive
** All of our courses are guaranteed to deliver with full materials. Anything needed just PM us 😀
** All of the contents are included EXCEPT membership based contents
** Please download ALL the course from google drive, if possible you may request us to remove you after you download the course AS google system will remove our access too due to too many users join the drive.
🥰This is our telegram group, join whenever you want for new release and updates!

🥰Official Website: and


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Paige Brunton – Scale with Content Strategy【2023】{FULL COURSE + VIDEO} – ALL COURSES Lifetime Updatesv Thu, 13 Jul 2023 05:43:44 +0000 2023 Paige Brunton Scale with Content Strategy Marketing 10 GB 15.00 ]]> WHAT YOU GET?
The Scale with Content Strategy 2.0
Module 1 – Content Foundations
Module 2 – Content Prep
Module 3 – Content Creation.
Module 4 – SEO for content creation
Module 5 – Email Prep
Module 6 – Email Creation
Module 7 – Hacks to Actually Get Yourself to Start
BONUS – Guest Expert Interviews
Email Welcome Sequence Template
Email Welcome Sequence Template
Guest expert interviews with Holly Becker and Kaitlyn Parker (Content Bonus)
Group Coaching Audit Call
3 Q+A Calls
Finding Your Voice And Writing Copy People Want To Read With Kaitlyn Parker
Secrets to Millions of blog readers with Holly Becker

**File size: 10 GB

** After purchase,kindly drop your gmail through chatbox 🙂
** File will be shared through google drive
** All of our courses are guaranteed to deliver with full materials. Anything needed just PM us 😀
** All of the contents are included EXCEPT membership based contents
** Please download ALL the course from google drive, if possible you may request us to remove you after you download the course AS google system will remove our access too due to too many users join the drive.
🥰This is our telegram group, join whenever you want for new release and updates!

🥰Official Website: and


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Brilliant Marketers – Marketing Agency Operations【2023】{FULL COURSE + VIDEO} – ALL COURSES Lifetime Updates Thu, 13 Jul 2023 05:43:43 +0000 2023 Brilliant Marketers Marketing Agency Operations Marketing 11.3 GB 25.00 ]]> If you are an agency owner, you probably do not have a degree in it.
There are no university programs and most of the people teaching you about how to run yours, don’t actually have an agency (I know, crazy).

You can only learn from your own experience or shortcut it by learning from someone else’s.
We scaled our agency to 3 Offices and almost 80 Team Members in under 18 Months.
This is the only program where we disclose everything that we have done to scale so quickly.
Every little thing that really structures an agency & causes it to grow will be in the palm of your hand.
Get All 12 (60-120 Min) Coaching Calls with agency owners over specific topics of how to scale your agency.
What you’ll get:
– Contracts, Pricing, & Introductions
– Processes & Fulfillment Structures
– Sales, Funnels, & How to manage your CRM for Growth
– HR, Team Structure, Hiring & Pay
– Project Management & Internal Systems setup
– Q&A With Founder of 4Media, Eddie Maalouf
– Cold Email Outreach Strategy
– How to craft irresistible offers to scale
– 4Media Acquisition Systems
And So Much More


**File size: 11.3 GB

** After purchase,kindly drop your gmail through chatbox 🙂
** File will be shared through google drive
** All of our courses are guaranteed to deliver with full materials. Anything needed just PM us 😀
** All of the contents are included EXCEPT membership based contents
** Please download ALL the course from google drive, if possible you may request us to remove you after you download the course AS google system will remove our access too due to too many users join the drive.
🥰This is our telegram group, join whenever you want for new release and updates!

🥰Official Website: and


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Daniel Throssell – Adventures in Copyland【2023】{FULL COURSE + VIDEO} – ALL COURSES Lifetime Updates Thu, 13 Jul 2023 05:43:20 +0000
2023 Daniel Throssell Adventures in Copyland Copywriting 42.7 MB 15.00
One Exciting Copywriting Tactic Or Idea
I’ve NEVER Shared Anywhere Else!
You see, over the years I’ve come up with a lot of new copywriting tactics:
Novel approaches to email storytelling . writing sales email campaigns . attracting clients . list-building . sales letter copywriting . etc.

And in the course of my work . I’m constantly coming up with more ideas every month.

Occasionally, when I get enough new ideas around a related topic — like “market research” or “writing email sales campaigns” or “getting clients on Upwork” — I’ll gather them up and turn them into one of my famed copywriting courses.

But the truth is.
MOST Of My Best Ideas
Have Never Seen The Light Of Day!

And that’s simply because they’re just too small and tactical to be put into their own course.

Of course, the whole time, I’ve been using these exact ideas on my business’s own email list.

(That’s how I know they work — because they’re working like crazy for me.)

And so Adventures in Copyland! is founded on a simple premise:
Each Month, I Choose ONE Copywriting Tactic Or Idea From The Pages Of My Secret “Lab Notebook” . Write Up A Private Briefing Explaining How It Works . And Zap It Straight To Your Phone!

And frankly?

I have so many ideas (I’ll show you some in a moment), the problem is which to share with you.

At present, I have several years’ worth of tactics lined up, which don’t really fit neatly into any ‘course’ I could create.

So for Adventures in Copyland!, I’m selecting the copywriting tactics & ideas which tick as many of the following boxes as possible:

Whenever I discover or invent a new copywriting tactic that doesn’t fit into one of my courses, Adventures in Copyland! is the FIRST place I will publish it. You will be getting my newest & best ideas before anyone else sees them.

I am not interested in reheating tactics you have heard taught by anyone else. I prefer to teach tactics I have personally discovered or invented on my own . OR, where I teach you something that is not original to me, it will come with my new & unique perspective on how to apply it.

These are NOT beginner tactics like “benefits, not features!” or “use scarcity!” that you’d expect to find in a book, blog, or beginner copywriting course.

As much as possible, these are real tactics I have personally witnessed working — and in many cases, they are the EXACT copywriting tactics *I* rely on, day after day, to make an income that supports my family with no more than a single email to my list per day.

Ultimately, the point of teaching these tactics to you is so that YOU can use them in your own copywriting, for your business (or your clients’). So each issue shows you not just WHAT the tactic is . but HOW to implement it for yourself (because otherwise, what would be the point?)

As far as topics go — here’s an example:

The topic of the very FIRST issue of Adventures in Copyland! was:
‘Possibly The Single Most Versatile Email Storytelling Technique I Ever Invented For Whipping Up The Perfect Story Lead “On Command”!’

It revealed a charmingly simple-but-powerful email storytelling technique I invented for quickly & easily ‘building’ story-based sales email leads.

And it’s exclusive (I’ve never shared it anywhere else) . advanced . original to me . proven (I use it often) . and highly actionable for anyone reading it.
The World’s First Copywriting Newsletter Built ENTIRELY On Mobile App Technology!

Which means.

A reading experience designed “from the ground up” for your phone — no pinching or zooming required

HALF the price of other copywriting newsletters — I’ve saved BIG on paper & shipping costs . and I’ve passed the savings entirely onto you

Seamless integration with video/audio “how-to” training — If a tactic is easier to show you than tell you, I’ll just give you a screen recording you can watch right there in the app

Instant, free delivery anywhere in the world

Butter-smooth “zero-login” access — you’ll just get a notification, tap it, and get your newsletter

Always in your pocket — it’ll be the one newsletter you always have when you have a spare minute

And so on. Yay for apps!


If the app thing puts you off from subscribing, that is fine. No need to write to me with your feelings about this decision. I understand it’s not for everyone!
Subscribers ALSO Get A Few “Private” Perks.

Such as:
– Exclusive “SECRET” product offers my main email list will never even HEAR about.
– “Subscriber-only” DISCOUNTS on new courses.
– PRIVATE updates & news.
– And any OTHER ways I end up thinking of to treat you better than anyone else . just for being a subscriber.

I do not offer these kinds of privileges lightly.
And I don’t want people dipping in and out of this subscription, taking advantages of the perks and picking the issues they like, and dropping out other months.

**File size: 42.7 MB

** After purchase,kindly drop your gmail through chatbox 🙂
** File will be shared through google drive
** All of our courses are guaranteed to deliver with full materials. Anything needed just PM us 😀
** All of the contents are included EXCEPT membership based contents
** Please download ALL the course from google drive, if possible you may request us to remove you after you download the course AS google system will remove our access too due to too many users join the drive.
🥰This is our telegram group, join whenever you want for new release and updates!

🥰Official Website: and


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Amy Porterfield – Digital Course Academy【2023】{FULL COURSE + VIDEO} – ALL COURSES Lifetime Updates Thu, 13 Jul 2023 05:42:51 +0000
2023 Amy Porterfield Digital course academy (UP) Marketing 36.5 GB 45.00
Hi, I’m Amy.
I teach business owners, educators and entrepreneurs the profitable action steps for building a highly engaged email list, creating online training courses, and using online marketing strategies to sell with ease.
Download One of My Powerful Cheat Sheets to Amplify, Accelerate and Automate Your Profits.

20 Smart Strategies to Rapidly Grow Your Email List
5 Ways to Know if You’re Ready to Profit From an Online Course
How to Choose the Perfect (and Most Profitable) Webinar Topic
Through her best-selling marketing courses (List Builder’s Lab, Courses That Convert, Webinars That Convert), thriving Facebook community and top-ranked podcast, Amy inspires a grounded, tangible and self-affirming sense of “Wow! I really can do this” for over 250,000 online entrepreneurs.

She proves that by moving away from “step-by-step” and into “action-by-action”, even the newest online entrepreneurs can bypass overwhelm and self-doubt, and instead generate exciting momentum as they move closer to building a life and business they love.

The Top-Ranked, Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast
Raise your hand if you also think that podcasts should do more than just help you “pass the time.” Yeah, me too!
With world-class experts, detailed execution plans, and gritty, actionable insights pumping through your earbuds, the Online Marketing Made Easy podcast has earned its spot as – can’t miss – listening for hundreds of thousands of results-driven entrepreneurs like you.

Ready to get the most out of your listening time?
Pick a collection below to get actionable, momentum-building advice perfectly paired with your current stage of business growth.

How to Build a Lucrative Email List That Fuels Your Business
Lessons for Creating Blockbuster Courses That Leverage Your Time & Profits
How to Master Webinars, Funnels & Facebook Ads to Grow & Automate Your Business

**File size: 36.5 GB

** After purchase,kindly drop your gmail through chatbox 🙂
** File will be shared through google drive
** All of our courses are guaranteed to deliver with full materials. Anything needed just PM us 😀
** All of the contents are included EXCEPT membership based contents
** Please download ALL the course from google drive, if possible you may request us to remove you after you download the course AS google system will remove our access too due to too many users join the drive.
🥰This is our telegram group, join whenever you want for new release and updates!

🥰Official Website:


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Chris Orzechowski – Double Your Deliverability【2023】{FULL COURSE + VIDEO} – ALL COURSES Lifetime Updates Thu, 13 Jul 2023 05:42:24 +0000 2023 Chris Orzechowski Double Your Deliverability Marketing 4.03 GB 15.00 ]]> What You Get:
– How to tell if you actually have a deliverability problem or not.
– The 9 factors that affect email deliverability
– Our exact step-by-step audit process we use at my agency to help our clients dramatically improve their deliverability.
– How to authenticate your domain so you can improve and maintain a good reputation with the most popular ISPs.
– A deep dive into how to completely align your domain authentication (SPIF, DKIM and DMARC)
– An in-depth breakdown of how your email content affects deliverability (including an exhaustive list of do’s and dont’s).
– Copywriting strategies that improve deliverability, list health, and list hygiene.
– 7 automations you can set up that’ll automatically improve deliverability. without you having to lift a finger.
– A simple process you can use to periodically trim the “dead weight” off your email list.
– A list-cleaning case study demonstration
– A simple “authentication-fix” case study
– Two full deliverability audit breakdowns from real live brands

**File size: 4.03 GB

** After purchase,kindly drop your gmail through chatbox 🙂
** File will be shared through google drive
** All of our courses are guaranteed to deliver with full materials. Anything needed just PM us 😀
** All of the contents are included EXCEPT membership based contents
** Please download ALL the course from google drive, if possible you may request us to remove you after you download the course AS google system will remove our access too due to too many users join the drive.
🥰This is our telegram group, join whenever you want for new release and updates!

🥰Official Website:


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Stephen Larsen – Internet Launch Secrets【2023】{FULL COURSE + VIDEO} – ALL COURSES Lifetime Updates Thu, 13 Jul 2023 05:41:59 +0000 2023 Stephen Larsen Internet Launch Secrets Marketing 37.5 GB 45.00 ]]> What You Get:
5-Module, Lucrative Launch Masterclass
Steve’s 5, 6, and 7 Figure Launch Formula – the same proprietary formula he uses AFTER his product is finished and ready to sell.
It’s responsible for literally, almost every dollar he’s made.

4-Module, Create Your Core Offer Course
Steve went through 34 product failures over 5 years, then immediately into 46 successes in a row during the next 3 years. What ‘clicked’? THAT is what ‘Create Your Core Offer’ course will teach you.
Includes In-Home Product Creation Workshop Kit
Money-Message Script Templates
This is ALL the copywriting Steve knows how to do. To be clear, he is NOT a pro-copywriter, but instead has focused on the 20% that gets 80% of the results. After you use these templates, you can easily finish your copy yourself, or hand it to a pro with ease.
$100k Capitalist Success Path
Many have agreed that $100k is much harder than $1m. After your product is proven. then what? This path will not only guide you through the course, but you’ll also see what these skills allow you do to next. Mhmm, you’ll be lethal to the market with these skills.
– One Of The Most Important Things I Could Give You
CMO’s Guide To Evergreen Cash
When should you automate your funnels? This keeps a lot of startups from becoming an actual business (that you’re not glued to so it won’t die). Steve is not a ‘biz-systems’ guy, and that’s not what this is, but this POWERFUL piece will guide your main revenue source through the tender transition between ‘launch’ and ‘evergreen’.

**File size: 37.5 GB

** After purchase,kindly drop your gmail through chatbox 🙂
** File will be shared through google drive
** All of our courses are guaranteed to deliver with full materials. Anything needed just PM us 😀
** All of the contents are included EXCEPT membership based contents
** Please download ALL the course from google drive, if possible you may request us to remove you after you download the course AS google system will remove our access too due to too many users join the drive.
🥰This is our telegram group, join whenever you want for new release and updates!

🥰Official Website:


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Lana Sova – Launch Sequence Secrets【2023】{FULL COURSE + VIDEO} – ALL COURSES Lifetime Updates Thu, 13 Jul 2023 05:41:32 +0000 2023 Lana Sova Launch Sequence Secrets Marketing 3.33 GB 15.00 ]]> Part #1: The Method
During this training I’ll take you by the hand and will show you:
– The structure of a profitable launch sequence in ANY niche on ANY low to medium-price offers or products (from $0.99 to $999)
– Step-by-step formula to writing email launch sequence that converts
– The Bottom-Up Approach to writing the entire sequence in just one day
– The difference between a product launch and welcome automation: how to get maximum profits
– The #1 thing most copywriter neglect after the launch that burns the list and sets up the next launch for failure
– Avoid these 3 common launch sequence strategies that cause the launch to bomb!
– 7 tricks that squeeze the most juice out of the list without burning it out
– When to sell hard and when to “value sell” for maximum profits
– The Profitability Frequency: how often should you email
– Does length matter? How long should the launch sequence be for maximum profits
– How to make your client say hell yes to your launch sequence service offer without batting an eye
– The sure-fire launch success questionnaire list: ask your clients these questions to secure a profitable launch
– Bonus: 5 SMS-marketing strategies to boost launch conversions

Part #2: The Application
During this part of the training, I’ll take you by the hand and will show you:
– A step-by-step breakdown of some of my best-performing launch sequences in various niches
– A demo of how I use the structure to write a sequence in a one day
– A personalized live critique of your launch structure and copy of some of the copywriters in the niches
– A step-by-step breakdown of each type of email so you can use the templates for any niche, any market, and deploy the launch sequence even faster

Special Bonus #1
The Anatomy of Emails That Sell
Discover how to beat email controls for your clients.
Or how to write emails that sell using a simple step-by-step formula.
Better yet, when you combine this formula and the launch sequence secrets I’ll reveal to you in this workshop.
You’ll crank out launch sequences that convert faster than ever thought possible.

Special Bonus #2
The Secret Mindhack to Writing Emails That Sell in 20 Min or less
You’ll get a simple 15 min training on how to prime your mind to writing emails that sell faster than ever before.
I also will share with you the super simple recipe I’ve used since March 2020 to hone my email writing skills and make 6 figures in my first year as a non-native writer.
This mindhack helped me have a super fast turnaround in 24hrs or less on my 5th month as a new copywriter.

Special Bonus #3
21 Short-cuts To Landing Clients With Ease and Confidence
Whether you’re looking long term retainer clients.
Or if you’d like to land a quick project where you can write a “Done-in-a-day” launch sequence that converts.
And get paid 4-5 figure paychecks for one day’s worth of work.
These 21 shortcuts will help you double or even triple your chances of getting a reply from a potential client and even landing a new one.


**File size: 3.33 GB

** After purchase,kindly drop your gmail through chatbox 🙂
** File will be shared through google drive
** All of our courses are guaranteed to deliver with full materials. Anything needed just PM us 😀
** All of the contents are included EXCEPT membership based contents
** Please download ALL the course from google drive, if possible you may request us to remove you after you download the course AS google system will remove our access too due to too many users join the drive.
🥰This is our telegram group, join whenever you want for new release and updates!

🥰Official Website:


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Ryan Lee – Nano Bootcamp【2023】{FULL COURSE + VIDEO} – ALL COURSES Lifetime Updates Thu, 13 Jul 2023 05:41:32 +0000 2023 Ryan Lee Nano Bootcamp Business 13.2 GB 35.00 ]]> WHAT YOU GET?
– LIVE ticket to online 4-WEEK NANO BOOTCAMP
– LIFETIME downloadable video recordings of NANO BOOTCAMP
– LIFETIME downloadable access to ALL the NANO BOOTCAMP Audio (mp3 Files)

– LIFETIME downloadable access to ALL the NANO BOOTCAMP handouts (PDF Files)
– 1-Page Nano Membership Site Templates
– Done-For-You Nano Newsletter Templates
– Done-For-You Nano Book Templates
– My “Greatest Hits” Email Swipe File
– 26,000 Members Paying $15 Per Month Case Study
– The $35,000.00 “Behind the Curtain” Mastermind Session Recording

“done-for-you” 1-page nano membership templateS
Forget tech. Goodbye platforms.
You’ll get a dozen copy/paste 1-page nano-membership templates you can use in your own niche.
Your templates are 100% editable and it’s going to save you hours of work!

Newsletters are the hottest recurring income programs for a good reason. Subscribers love ’em and you can charge up to $300 per month for a specialized letter.
But no more staring at a blank page. You’ll get actual newsletter templates you can use right away.
Just change the title to your own name and you’re good to go.

Discover how to create your own hot-selling “Nano” book that’ll bring in thousands of new customers
Position you at THE expert in your niche. Get booked on stages, podcasts and become the rock star you are.
Copy/paste your way to fame and elevated status.

7-figure email swipe file
Get your hands on my highest-converting that converted prospects into paid subscribers.
Just wait until you see my top-secret email template that’ll have people drooling to join your nano continuity program.
3-day internal launches? The hot-button email? Double-dip continuity? It’s in there…

26,000 members paying $15 per month… for a pdf?
Prepare to be blown away. My former student comes on and shares his site, which had over 26,000 members paying $15 per month in the health space.
Each month they received just a PDF and they stayed loved it. See exactly how it worked and how it grew so big!

the $35,000.00 continuity income session
I was invited by a friend to give a “behind the curtain”, no-holds-barred look into one of my continuity income programs.
Everyone paid $35,000.00 to be in the room and this recording has never been released before. But it’s yours now!

**File size: 13.2 GB

** After purchase,kindly drop your gmail through chatbox 🙂
** File will be shared through google drive
** All of our courses are guaranteed to deliver with full materials. Anything needed just PM us 😀
** All of the contents are included EXCEPT membership based contents
** Please download ALL the course from google drive, if possible you may request us to remove you after you download the course AS google system will remove our access too due to too many users join the drive.
🥰This is our telegram group, join whenever you want for new release and updates!

🥰Official Website:


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